
Student hang-out

Where are the best attractions in Gdansk to break away from the university walls?

Have you ever heard of Magnum Arena?


You have the opportunity to have fun and an amazing adventure!


It’s good to break away from hard work, learning and look for unusual entertainment and plan your time with a selection of good friends from time to time. A student trip to the ASG paintball in Gdansk is not only an opportunity for great fun, but also lets us spend precious time among friends, getting to know each other better and strengthening friendship ties. Such an interesting place and unique attraction will be an adventure that we will remember for a long time.

A few numbers for math lovers:

  • 1850m² is the area of the entire facility
  • 1500m² is the area of the playing field itself, divided into two independent tracks
  • 63 – amount of guns to choose from our armory
  • 44 – amount of people that can play simultaneously on our arena
  • 23 – amount of game scenarios that have been developed specifically for our arena
  • 6 or more- is the amount players that is the most suitable for starting a great fun
  • 3 – is the amount of people that is the minimum, it allows us to play a special game for smaller groups: Quake
  • 1- is the animator who will prepare everything for you


An adventure for students not only from the Tri-City and not only during the day

Lovers of the history of Gdansk will definitely appreciate the fact that Magnum Arena is located in a historic place:

  • In 1910 the building was built
  • In 2019, because of construction of the Magnum Arena, renovation of the building has started
  • The building was previously used as a Railcar Repair Plant


The climate of the place allows us to organize amazing night games – play in unusual conditions with flashlights only or with the lights illuminating the entire play area.

Instead of partying in a club or pub,we suggest playing with us. The beer tastes best right after the game;)

Have you ever wondered what the cost is and can it be compared to, for example, going to a club?

Look at this:

  • you can have fun and go crazy same as in the club but with a dose of adrenaline
  • you can bring your friends, boys and girls and impress them
  • endorphins will help establish a happy mood
  • you can have a cold drink, and you can bring your drinks to us
  • after the game you can order a pizza or kebab – it will taste like after a party :)

A student trip for games ranging from one to two hours is a great option to spend free time in the Tri-City. If you are with us again, let us know- we will prepare new scenarios for you.

What can you expect?

Full equipment included
Interesting scenarios and well-prepared game area
High quality, precise and realistic ASG replicas of real guns
We are close to the center of Gdansk. You can get here easily by tram, car or bicycle
Cloudy and rainy? Scorching heat? Here the weather does not bother you
Better prices for students

Reservation request

Info about game


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How much does it cost?

The price depends of a day, start time, game lenght and equipment class.

Examples from our price list:

  • 1,5h games + preparations with full equipment in Saturday is 139PLN/person 
  • 1h games + preparations with full equipment in Friday or Sunday is 99PLN/person
  • 1h games + preparations with full equipment for students in Monday-Thursday between 10:00 and 15:00 is 69 PLN/person

Detailed price list is here: [CLICK THE LINK]

How to make reservation?

Fill reservation form. Click “Book a game” box in main menu

Send us an email to bok@magnumarena.pl or contact us through Facebook’s messenger.

Call us: +48505978511

How does the game look like?

  1. Every game is guided by set instructor to your group. We will take care about games, safety and technician issues.
  2. Firstly we have preparations. You will get uniforms, gloves and masks in the changing rooms. Then you choose your bb gun and we explain rules.
  3. Warm-up for the first game that let players get first experience with the game before harder games
  4. Next are dynamic games like Flags, Dominations or similar
  5. Then we play more advanced like Bank Robbery or CounterStrike
  6. After time has elapsed we finish the game. Meeting in changing room to hand over the equipment

Does it hurt? Is it painful?

  • We have two levels of power that you can choose: stronger guns for full adrenaline and stronger experience after hit or lower power guns for people looking for lighter game, where hits are safe even for players 10 years old
  • Bullet is much more lighter than in classic paintball. Energy of bullet is lower. But it can be still painful because of piercing/stinging effect. Lower power eliminates this effect to minimum with enough range and accurate of shoots

What is the limit of age?

  • Younger players than 10yo should not take part in the game
  • The minimum age of player is 10 years old

Send us your phone noumber. We will call you back :)

12:00 - 20:00 (12pm - 8pm)
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